The Wooden Mosque of Seo Valley

seo valley, wooden mosque, Indus Kohistan valley

The Indus-Kohistan valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan is an abode to unique cultural and heritage values. Among multiple historical sites and buildings, the Grand Mosque of Seo Valley has become the prominent one. It has detailed wooden architecture and intricate decorative carvings. They represent the fusion of Buddhist and Islamic art. The mosque is one […]

Wood Carving: A Devine Art in Intricate Etchings

wood carving wooden crafts pakistan

Wood-Carving: An Art Since Mankind Till Mankind Many things exist in this world that reminds you of some old good times, you have memories associated with them, good and bad both and sometimes ….tragic too. Pieces of My Childhood, Etched in Wood Same happens with me so many times that I started pondering upon “Wood […]