Pakistani Poets and Writers Who Were Marxists

Pakistani Poets, Pakistani Writers, Marxist Approach

Gone are the days when people shied away from the word “Marxism” like hell from incense. The time for jokes about the confused Marx, the womanizer Engels, and the unfortunate Western intellectuals who were bewildered by the voluminous Capital is over. The concepts of “private property”, “exploitation”, and “commodity-money relations” have become a daily, and […]

The Legendary Saadat Hasan Manto

Saadat Hasan Manto

Intro to the Exceptional Writer – Manto Saadat Hasan Manto was born on 11th May, 1912. He was not only a well know Pakistani writer but also an author and a playwright who was said to be one of the marvelous writers of particularly short stories in the history of South Asia. His writing career […]